St Mary’s home group is a place where a small group of people can meet together informally. It is a chance to socialise and drink tea & coffee, often supplemented by homemade cakes & biscuits. We spend time together looking at passages from the bible, and with the help of a study guide, we try and delve into each passage in a bit more detail, and deepen our Christian faith by learning from each other and by the prompting of the Holy Spirit [Matthew 18 verse 20 “Whenever two or three of you come together in my name, I am there with you.”]
The group is intended for all ages, and for whichever stage of your Christian journey you are at. The group meets fortnightly at various homes in Ashwell. Why not come and try it out for a week or two? Contact Guy on 01462 743689 or Rose on 01462 742754.