Welcome to St Mary’s Mothers’ Union! This friendly branch has members from Ashwell and Hinxworth and always welcomes visitors to come and listen to a variety of speakers. We meet monthly on the second Thursday of each month in Ashwell's Parish Church Room for coffee at 10.30am followed by a speaker.
The Mothers’ Union has over 4 million members worldwide all involved in transforming lives. We support projects that benefit local people living in St Albans diocese. Our branch supports patients in our local hospitals, the St Albans & Hertsmere Women’s Refuge and the MU initiative “Away From It All Holidays” which provide holiday breaks for those who, due to circumstances, would not otherwise be able to go.
The photo shows a major recent project, in which we assembled over 35 birthing packs to send to Tanzania. Women in Tanzania often have no access to any medical help when giving birth, so these packs contain everything a woman needs to give birth as safely as possible: such as a mat to lie down on, hand sanitiser, and a razor to cut the umbilical cord. We also knitted little blankets and hats to help the mother and child survive.
Everyone is welcome to come to our meetings. You can be assured of a good cup of coffee and an interesting speaker. Prayer and fellowship are at the heart of our branch so come along, enjoy the company and help transform someone’s life along the way.
Viv Hollow
Branch Leader
01462 743401