“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.” Psalm 127
We celebrate this gift by welcoming children to our youth activities both in church and in the wider community.
(Sunday School) runs for approximately half an hour during the morning eucharist service. We meet in a separate room and find creative ways to explore what it means to be a Christian, often linking our activities to a passage from the Bible. Children and young people over the age of three are warmly welcomed.
Led by our choir master and supported by our organist, Friday practise sessions and Sunday morning services offer an opportunity for young singers aged 8 and over to improve their vocal skills and to enjoy singing church music as a way of praising God.
People of all ages are welcome to participate in this informal short service on the first Sunday of the month. Children and young families are particularly encouraged to join in.
Fun, food and faith. Young people are invited to take part in crafts and other creative activities which are linked to a Christian theme. These may happen indoors or outside depending on the season. We aim to offer Messy Church three times a year.
This annual event takes place in the churchyard, usually on Easter Saturday.
Our youth group for young people in school year 5 and above meets on a Saturday evening in term-time only. Games, crafts, cooking, snacks and a safe place to ‘hang out’ are on offer.
From time to time, outings are arranged for our young people. In previous years these have included a wide beamed canal boat, a trip to the theatre, trampolining and climbing.
All youth activities are supervised by responsible adults with appropriate safeguarding measures in place.
Our activities are open to all, whether they are regular church-goers or not.