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The Beds & Herts Historic Churches Trust Bike ‘n Hike takes place on Saturday 14th September.
If you can cycle, let Guy know and he will help you plan a route.
If you’d like to walk, talk to Chris, who is planning to organise a local walking route (and hoping it won’t be as hot as last year!)
All money raised is split half-and-half between Beds n’ Herts Historic Churches Trust and your local church… And, what goes around, comes around, as we often apply for grants from the Trust too – they recently gave us £10,000 towards the St Nicholas’ Roof and we hope they’ll again support projects at St Mary’s (eg when we start on the north aisle roof!).
Do sponsor the team – there is a form to fill in at the back of church.
If anyone doesn’t want to walk or cycle, but you would like to help out on the day, we will probably be looking for volunteers at St Mary’s to welcome people…
See here for more info: